Within the last decade, residential structured wiring has evolved from distributing mainly telephone service to delivering a host of video, audio, data services, and automation control throughout the home. With all of these technologies becoming commonplace, a centralized distribution point like Leviton’s Structured Media® enclosure provides a straightforward way to manage the needed connectivity and hardware. However, it’s important to ensure your enclosure is correctly populated to support the needs of your network.
To create an ideal configuration, use the size of your home as a guide for populating the enclosure.
Apartment: An economy solution comprised of an MDU enclosure, 1x4 combo phone and data board, and 1x6 Passive Video Splitter is ideal. This covers all basic services, such as phone, data, and TV to four locations.
Student Housing: A 14-inch enclosure, duplex receptacle with surge, and 1x6 Passive Video Splitter and Data Board supports high-speed, reliable internet connections to provide quick access for research, entertainment, and social media.
Single-Family Home: To outfit the home with core connectivity and added room for power support, active equipment, and expansion products, an ideal solution includes a 28-inch enclosure, combo panel with 1x9 phone/data and 1x6 video, data board, duplex receptacle with surge protection, and an empty bracket for the modem/router.
Upgraded Housing: An expanded home needs greater network reach and flexibly. A larger enclosure gives space to include distributed audio and security systems while a plastic enclosure allows for an extended Wi-Fi coverage area in the home. Configurations include a 30” RF Transparent Enclosure; advanced home networking panel with 1x9 Phone, 1x6 Video Splitter, and 1x6 Data; 4-Port Gigabit Wireless Router; 8-port Gigabit Switch; duplex receptacle with surge; and an empty bracket for the modem/router.
Custom Home: High-end residential living spaces often feature full technology packages for home automation and control systems, multi-zone distributed audio, security, and high-bandwidth networking. Support for these devices requires a comprehensive configuration comprised of a 42-inch enclosure, 24-Port Cat 6 Twist & Mount Panel, Telephone Input Distribution Panel, Hi-Fi 4x4 Multi-Room Audio Distribution Module, 1x8 Premium Amplified Video Splitter, 4-Port Gigabit Wireless Router, 8-port Gigabit Switch, Universal Power Module, and an empty bracket for the modem/router.
Multiple Dwelling Unit (MDU): Tenants require high-bandwidth connectivity to suit a wide range of applications such as HDTV distribution, high-speed data networks, telephone distribution, single- and multi-zone audio, and advanced home theater products. Configurations ideal for meeting this demand include a 21-inch enclosure; combo panel with 1x4 Phone, data, and 1x6 Video Splitter; duplex receptacle with surge protection; and an empty bracket for the modem/router.
For any home network, to ensure optimal installation and performance efficiency consider using High-Flex 5e patch cords and QuickPort® connectors and wallplates. High-flex patch cords feature a low-profile cable, allowing for tighter radius cable routing and a cleaner finished appearance. QuickPort connectors and wallplates are a simple, easy-to-install solution that allows you to create the perfect mix of voice, data, video and audio, all in a single panel.
More than ever, homeowners use a wide range of cutting-edge technologies - most of which require structured wiring. By populating your enclosure with the right home networking devices, you can ensure reliable connectivity anywhere in the home.
From WiFi-compatible or metal enclosures to patch cords and panels, Leviton can help you find everything you need to create a fully connected home. For additional help configuring your structured cabling and structured media components, check out Leviton’s Structured Media Enclosure Design Tool at: leviton.com/smctool.
To learn more about residential networking solutions, visit: leviton.com/ch.