A Spring Cleaning/Organizing Safety Checklist

A Spring Cleaning/Organizing Safety Checklist

Last week, we asked if you were ready for Spring.

Even though it’s still chilly outside, I’m itching to start spring cleaning – putting away winter clothes, washing windows and filling the house with some spring flowers.  Organization has never been my strong suit.  I like to consider myself one of these “creative people” who can live amongst clutter.  But, I know that clutter makes me stressed and is definitely a time waster.  Even more importantly, clutter and lack of organization can actually be a safety hazard.  Here are a few points to consider:

  • In home offices and family rooms, be sure that extension cords aren’t overloaded with lamps, gaming consoles, printers, etc.  Extension cords should only be used as a temporary solution as they can overheat when too many items are plugged in.  The Consumer Products Safety Commission estimates that extension cords cause about 3,300 residential fires each year.
  • Make sure that gardening supplies, cleaning supplies and other items stored in a garage or basement are safely locked away in cabinets and not left laying out.  Not only are they toxic if ingested by a child but they can also be flammable.
  • Review cold medicines and other prescription drugs to make sure that they have not expired. Be sure you have an ample supply of first aid items for cuts, scrapes and bee stings as well as sunscreen since kids will be outdoors more.
  • Check that smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are still in good working order and, if you don’t have a CO detector, place one outside every bedroom and one on each floor of the house.
  • Test all windows to be sure that locks and window guards are in good working order. With the warmer days, windows are left open and, sadly, every year over 5,000 children are treated in hospital emergency departments across the country for injuries related to window falls.

Get the entire family involved in the spring cleaning and organizing so that you’re clutter-free and safe!